Friday, March 6, 2009

Mama Chi

Remember Mama? She was one of the puppy mill dogs that was rescued and my work took her and her puppies in. Let me remind you.

Well, I have been fostering her for the last two weeks and she is doing so well. She was so scared of people the first couple of days but is now starting to come out of her shell. Oscar and Mama have become very bonded with each other.

When it snowed last week Mama wasn't too sure about the white stuff. She probably had never seen it before, but handled it very well.

Pictures of Oscar

Here are some random pictures of my boy. The first is of what Oscar likes to do while I'm in the shower. He lays in front of the heater in the bathroom and ends up sleeping on my clothes that are on the floor.
The next one is how I find him when he sneaks on the bed. He doesn't hide himself very well.

And when I lift up the blanket, out comes the "let me sleep" look.