Monday, May 19, 2014

Louis Playing in a Symphony

On Friday May 9th, Louis got a chance to play in the Ensign Symphony and Chorus at Benaroya Hall. One of the Cello players was not able to make it that night and Louis jumped on his chance to fill in. He only had a week to practice but he did just that after work each day. I am so proud of him! He was so good that he was asked to play with them again at their July 5th performance featuring Alex Boye. I can't wait to watch him play then!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Not A Big Fan Of The Pool

Washington had great weather for about half of last week. Thursday was the hottest with 85+ degrees. Louis and I thought is would be fun to try out Zach's swimsuit for the first time. We were not really sure how he would like getting wet but we soon found out. First, here he is modeling his swim trunks and looking adorable!

He was totally okay with the pool when he first saw it....

But, he wasn't too sure once he got in the water.

He looked at me with a worried face.

Which was followed by crying. Lots of crying.

Still crying even though he wasn't in the pool anymore.

He did calm down after about five minutes. I'm hoping that he will get used to the water soon. He loves his baths, but only when the water is warm enough. That was part of the problem Thursday.