Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Zachary's 9 Month Check-Up

Zachary had his 9 month check-up with a doctor on Monday and everything went really well.  He didn't see his regular doctor again because his schedule was all booked up since he came back to work and isn't working as many hours.  The doctor we did see was great and I talked with her about several issues that I will talk about in upcoming posts.

Here are Z's stats:  He is 29.5 inches long (86.45%) and 19 lbs 4 oz (39.43%).  This is why he's starting to fit into 18 month clothes, but they are all baggy on him.

He wasn't feeling his best when I took these pictures yesterday so he looks like he's going to cry in a few of them.  We've just been dealing with colds the past few days at our house.

He loves his Jingle dog!

His shirt says: My Dad Knows Alot, But Mom Knows Better

He was so close to crying in these two because he just didn't feel good.

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