Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Sore mouth and sick dog

This morning I had a root canal and it was no fun at all. It was funny that the dentist and her assistant were shocked that I am 24. They said I looked so young, which is really true because a lot of people think I'm not even old enough to drive. They just saying that I have such a baby face. I was put on Vicodin for the pain, so I can't work tomorrow because I can't drive while on the pain pills. It made me so tired that I took a 3 hour nap this afternoon. It was great to get some much needed sleep!

Now, I have a very sick dog. Sadie is not herself at all. All she wants to do is stay in the crate. She doesn't want to eat, which REALLY isn't normal, or drink. My mom is going to keep Sadie in her room tonight because the Vicodin is just going to knock me out and I won't know if something happens during the night. If she's not better by tomorrow I may have to take her to the vet. I hope it doesn't come to that.

Well, that's all for now. I hope tomorrow is a better day.

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