Monday, June 20, 2011

Enjoying the last 24 hours

I am trying to keep a brave face on but I haven't been able to keep my emotions straight. I have realized that the time I have been dreading has come. It's time to let Lilly go....

Last night she didn't want to eat at all, but I knew she had to eat something. I fed her through a syringe because that is the only way I could get her to take anything. She didn't come out of her house once last night. It is time. I'm glad I have my mom as a shoulder to cry on. She took pictures of us both together and it was not easy for her to get a picture with me smiling.

I was hoping that she could wait until Friday or Saturday because those are my days off. She has her own plans. She is telling me that it's time to let go. When I got to work today I told my boss that I wouldn't be able to work tomorrow and explained why. It's not something I want to do (especially with the car needing to be fixed, I could use the extra money)but it's something that I need to do. I can't go into work tomorrow a wreck, plus I will be crying a lot too.

I need all the hugs I can get right now...

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