Friday, October 19, 2012

Cinnamon Spice

In the last post I said that I had gotten a new Guinea Pig named Cinnamon Spice. On May 12th, my Guinea Pig Cocoa died unexpectedly for an unknown reason. She got very sick within 2 days and I had to put her to sleep because there was nothing the vet could do for her. I was so sad and I was heartbroken. It happened on my mom's birthday, the day before mother's day, and 4 days before my birthday. I thought it was going to ruin my week.

I was still very sad by the time my birthday came around, so Louis and I went over to a local pet store named Denny's Pet World to look at the baby bunnies. There weren't too many bunnies but there were a lot of Guinea Pigs. I lifted up the house that was in a pen and we knew, as soon as we saw her, that Spice was ours! She looked just like a Mini-Ginger. I just had to convince my mom to let me get her because I was still living at their house. She told me that she would think about it.

The next day she told me that she would go over to the pet store after she went to the fabric store. She called me later that day to say that she had a feeling that she needed to go to the pet store first. When she got there, someone and their little 5 year old were already looking at her. She talked with the lady and told her what had happened with my Guinea Pig. She was able to put Spice on hold and I picked her up that day after work. I am so glad that everything worked out for the best. She is a great little Guinea Pig!

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